Anoche, las tres escuelas intermedias organizaron su Noche Anual de Regreso a Clases. Los padres conocieron a los maestros de sus estudiantes y pudieron interactuar con los socios comunitarios que asistieron. ¡NASD espera que todos tengan un excelente año escolar!
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Last night, all three middle schools hosted their annual Back to School Night. Parents met their student’s teachers and were able to engage with community partners who were in attendance. NASD hopes everyone has a great school year!
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
As part of NASD’s participation with the literacy and arts initiative One Book One Norristown, a mural was commissioned to be installed this week at Roosevelt. The mural project was inspired by the young adult novel Shadowshaper, written by New York Times bestselling author, Daniel José Older. Mr. Older is the featured author for One Book One Norristown 2023. The mural was designed by Philadelphia artist Drew Montemayor to reflect our district and community. The mural represents a truly collaborative community arts experience. NASD students, faculty and staff, and community members worked diligently over two weeks in August to create the mural. We are extremely proud of the collaboration, creativity, and love for the Norristown area community that went into making this mural a reality.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Como parte de la participación de NASD con la iniciativa de alfabetización y artes One Book One Norristown, esta semana se encargó la instalación de un mural en Roosevelt. El proyecto del mural se inspiró en la novela para jóvenes adultos Shadowshaper, escrita por el autor más vendido del New York Times, Daniel José Older. Sr. Older es el autor destacado de One Book One Norristown 2023. El mural fue diseñado por el artista de Filadelfia Drew Montemayor para reflejar nuestro distrito y comunidad. El mural representa una experiencia artística comunitaria verdaderamente colaborativa. Los estudiantes, profesores y personal de NASD y miembros de la comunidad trabajaron diligentemente durante dos semanas en agosto para crear el mural. Estamos extremadamente orgullosos de la colaboración, la creatividad y el amor por la comunidad del área de Norristown que se dedicó a hacer realidad este mural.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Mensaje importante @ Transporte de Estudiantes 7/9/23. Tanto NASD como First Student están experimentando hoy una cantidad elevada de ausencias de nuestro personal relacionadas tanto con el calor extremo como con el COVID. Como resultado, esperamos que algunos de nuestros recorridos en autobús se retrasen tanto por la mañana como por la tarde. Estamos comprometidos a mejorar el servicio que se brinda a la comunidad de NASD y pedimos disculpas por los inconvenientes que esto pueda causar y agradecemos su paciencia. Se necesitan conductores adicionales; los detalles están disponibles en
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Important Message @ Student Transportation 9/7/23. Both NASD & First Student are experiencing heightened staffing challenges today due to absences related to both the extreme heat and COVID. As a result, we are expecting some of our bus runs to be running late in both the morning and afternoon. We are committed to improving the service being provided to the NASD community and apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause and appreciate your patience. Additional drivers are needed; details are available at
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Únase a nosotros para la noche de seguridad contra incendios con el departamento de bomberos de Norristown en el centro de aprendizaje Musselman el viernes 15 de septiembre de 2023 de 5:30 a 7:00 p.m. Habrá rifas, comida, pintacaritas y juegos.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Join us for Fire Safety Night with the Norristown Fire Department at Musselman Learning Center on Friday, September 15, 2023 from 5:30-7:00 PM. There will be raffles, food, face painting and games.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
NASD is hosting the job fair on Thursday, September 7, 2023 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at the Administration Building. Find your opportunity to earn income, enjoy real work-life balance and know the work you do every day is making a profound impact.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
NASD está ofreciendo la feria de empleo el jueves 7/9/2023 de 10 AM a 1 PM en el edificio administrativo. Encuentre su oportunidad de obtener ingresos, disfrutar del equilibrio vida-trabajo y saber que el trabajo que realiza todos los días está teniendo un profundo impacto.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Our Norristown app is getting even better! Rooms offers two-way messaging and classroom announcements inside the school app. Parents/ guardians will be invited to join Rooms at 5pm tomorrow! Download for Android Download for iPhone
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
say hello to parent teacher chat
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the Norristown app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/ guardians check your email on Monday at 5pm with instructions to sign up and access these new features.
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
say hello to parent teacher chat
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Norristown app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized email invitation to begin using this feature in our app on Monday, Sept 4th at 5pm. Download for Android Download for iPhone
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
say hello to parent teacher chat
En el día de Desarrollo Profesional, los maestros de 5to a 8vo grado crearon actividades para el salón de clases para establecer una nueva cultura de conversación. Revisaron el método de enseñanza enVision y planificaron para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes.
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
On Professional Development Day, 5th-8th grade teachers created activities to be incorporated within the classroom to help establish a new culture of conversation. They reviewed the enVision teaching method and planned with grade-level partners to meet the needs of students.
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Ayer, NASD dio la bienvenida a sus estudiantes para el año escolar 2023-2024. Algunos estudiantes fueron recibidos con alfombras rojas, filas de bienvenida de maestros y socios comunitarios o actividades divertidas. ¡NASD espera que todos tengan un excelente año escolar!
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Yesterday, NASD welcomed its students for the 2023-2024 school year. Some students were greeted with red carpets, welcome lines of teachers and community partners, or fun activities. The NASD hopes everyone has a great school year!
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
This pretty much sums up my first day with students ⤵️ #NASDProud #BeTheLeader
11 months ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
Happy @NASDSuper
High School ELA teachers learned about the key elements of ODELL’s instructional design and explored the components of an ODELL lesson during Professional Development Day.
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Los maestros de ELA de preparatoria aprendieron sobre los elementos clave del diseño instruccional de ODELL y exploraron los componentes de una lección de ODELL durante el día de Desarrollo Profesional.
11 months ago, Norristown Area School District