PA Seal of Biliteracy

Norristown Area School District is proud to be able to offer the PA Seal of Biliteracy to students beginning with the Class of 2025. The PA Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school district in recognition of students who have attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. The PA Seal of Biliteracy is a credential awarded to a graduating senior and is a statement of accomplishment for future employers, colleges and universities. 

The PA Seal of Biliteracy is granted to all students who meet certain criteria. Established criteria exist for students whose first language is English who are learning a second language. Criteria also exist for students who are English Learners who are developing academic proficiency in their home language while mastering English. The Seal of Biliteracy is intended for all students who master standard academic English and any additional language, including American Sign Language. For additional information, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website: PA Seal of Biliteracy.

Detailed information on how to apply for the PA Seal of Biliteracy and the timeline will be forthcoming. Informational meetings for students will be held at both the Main Campus and the Roosevelt Campus of the Norristown Area High School. We look forward to being able to recognize our students for their mastery of English and one or more additional languages.

PA Seal of Biliteracy


The purpose of Pennsylvania’s Seal of Biliteracy is to:

  • recognize the value of world language and dual language programs in Pennsylvania schools;

  • affirm the value of cultural and linguistic diversity in our schools and communities;

  • encourage family and community support for the development of home languages other than English, as well as the study of additional world languages and cultures;

  • encourage all students to acquire proficiency in English and another world language;

  • certify intermediate-high proficiency in English and another world language;

  • provide employers with a method of identifying candidates with biliteracy skills;

  • provide universities with a method to recognize biliterate students; and

  • promote civic and global engagement.

Pennsylvania does not require schools to offer the Pennsylvania Seal of Biliteracy nor does it provide financial support or incentives for offering a PASB program. Students enrolled in a language instruction educational program (LIEP) or world language courses may opt to apply for the PASB. Postsecondary institutions may award credit to students who have received the PASB.


The Pennsylvania Seal of Biliteracy (PASB) is an award presented by a school or school entity (e.g., a school district, charter school, cyber charter school, or nonpublic school) in recognition of students who have attained intermediate-high proficiency in English and one or more additional world languages upon high school graduation. By establishing the PASB, the commonwealth encourages college and career readiness and engagement as a global citizen through the academic rigor of attaining proficiency in English and one or more world languages by high school graduation.

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The Benefits of Being Bilingual

Application Information

Application Forms will be available on ClassLink soon. Contact your principal or counselor for questions.

Next Steps

Coming soon!

