(Español/English) (ES): ¿Estás planeando asistir a la universidad?🎓 Para los estudiantes con un IEP, la transición a la universidad puede resultar abrumadora, ¡pero no tienes que afrontarla solo! Te invitamos a una sesión informativa: Educación Especial y la Transición a la Universidad el día martes 19 de Marzo de 6-8 PM en la biblioteca de NAHS. El padre de un ex-alumno del NASD hablará sobre qué esperar y cómo acceder a los servicios para discapacitados a nivel universitario. 📌 Los temas incluyen: ✅ ¿Mi estudiante seguirá recibiendo IEP cuando llegue a la universidad? ✅ ¿Qué servicios de apoyo están disponibles? ✅ ¿Cómo puedo ayudar a mi estudiante a prepararse? ¡Preparemos a usted y a su estudiante para el siguiente paso! 📚✨ (EN): Planning for College?🎓 For students with an IEP, the transition to college can feel overwhelming—but you don’t have to navigate it alone! Join us on Tuesday, March 19, from 6-8 PM at the NAHS Library for a special information session: Special Education and the Transition to College. Hear from a parent of a former NASD student about what to expect and how to access college-level disability services. 📌 Topics include: ✅ Will an IEP follow my student to college? ✅ What support services are available? ✅ How can I help my student prepare? Let’s get you and your student ready for the next step! 📚✨ #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown
1 day ago, Norristown Area School District
Graduates wearing cap and gown sitting on a bench, posing for photo
Special Education Transition Meeting Flyer English
Special Education Transition Meeting Flyer Spanish
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer! La NASD celebra la fortaleza, la resiliencia y los logros de las mujeres en todo el mundo. Hoy y todos los días, honramos a quienes inspiran el cambio y dan forma al futuro. ✨🩷 (EN): Happy International Women’s Day! NASD celebrates the strength, resilience, and achievements of women everywhere. Today and every day, we honor those who inspire change and shape the future! ✨🩷 #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #WomensHistoryMonth
4 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Illustration of diverse women with different hairstyles and skin tones, celebrating International Women's Day. The text "Día Internacional de la Mujer" and "International Women's Day" appears in bold letters, along with a blue and white NASD Eagle logo at the top.
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Más diversión de Read Across America en NASD! Hoy, la escuela primaria Whitehall recibió a lectores invitados especiales del edificio administrativo de NASD, la escuela preparatoria del área de Norristown, el departamento de policía de West Norriton y la compañía de bomberos de Jefferson. ¡Gracias a nuestros maravillosos voluntarios por ayudar a fomentar el amor por los libros y el aprendizaje! 📖 💙🚓 🚒 (EN): More Read Across America fun happening across NASD! Today, Whitehall Elementary welcomed special guest readers from the NASD Administration Building, Norristown Area High School, West Norriton Police Department, and Jefferson Fire Company. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers for helping foster a love of books and learning! 📖 💙🚓 🚒 #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #ReadACrossAmerica
4 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Mrs. Upchurch reading to students at Whitehall
NAHS student reading to students at Whitehall
Officer Dinolfi reading to students at Whitehall
Fire Chief reading to students at Whitehall
Dr. Richardson answering student questions at Whitehall
Ms. Fields reading to students at Whitehall
Firefighter reading to students at Whitehall
NAHS student reading to students at Whitehall
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Nuestros alumnos de octavo grado de la Sociedad Nacional de Honor Juvenil de ESTLA pasaron el día compartiendo la alegría de leer en el Centro de Aprendizaje Musselman! Como parte de la Semana de la Lectura en Estados Unidos, estos estudiantes les leyeron a nuestros alumnos más jóvenes, dando vida a las historias e inspirando el amor por los libros. ¡Gracias, ESTLA NJHS, por ser increíbles modelos a seguir! 📚✨👏📖❤️ (EN): Our ESTLA National Junior Honor Society 8th graders spent the day sharing the joy of reading at Musselman Learning Center! As part of Read Across America Week, these students read to our youngest learners, bringing stories to life and inspiring a love for books. Thank you, ESTLA NJHS, for being amazing role models! 📚✨👏📖❤️ #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #ReadAcrossAmerica
4 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Students reading a book to kindergarten class
Kindergarteners pose for photo with their guest reader
Close up of the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"
Kindergarteners  and teacher pose for photo with their guest reader
Kindergarteners  and teacher pose for photo with their guest reader
Student reading to kindergarten class
Kindergarteners  and teacher pose for photo with their guest readers
Principal Cole and teacher pose with former student who was a guest reader
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Más fotos de nuestro primer Festival de Bandas de todo el Distrito! 🎶📸💙 El arduo trabajo y la dedicación de nuestros estudiantes músicos brillaron en el escenario, creando una noche llena de música increíble. ¡Un enorme AGRADECIMIENTO a nuestros increíbles profesores de música por su pasión y liderazgo para darle vida a este evento! (EN): More photos from our first-ever District-Wide Band Festival! 🎶📸💙 The hard work and dedication of our student musicians shined on stage, creating a night filled with amazing music. A huge THANK YOU to our incredible music teachers for their passion and leadership in bringing this event to life! #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #NASDBandFestival #MusicInOurSchoolsMonth #MIOSM
5 days ago, Norristown Area School District
All NASD bands playing together on stage and in front of the stage as the finale for the band festival
NAHS Band playing on stage during the band festival
2 students playing the flute while looking at their music stand
Music teacher snaps selfie on stage with students in between songs
4 students on stage playing percussion instruments
5 NAHS students playing saxophones in front of the stage while looking at their music stands
Mr. Patti directing the elementary band on stage
Middle school band on stage playing clarinets
(Español/English) (ES): Marzo es el Mes de la Música en Nuestras Escuelas (Music in Our Schools Month®), y ¿qué mejor manera de celebrarlo que con una exhibición de nuestros talentosos músicos en todo el distrito? Nuestro primer Festival de Bandas en todo el Distrito reunió a músicos estudiantes de escuelas primarias, intermedias y preparatorias para una presentación inolvidable. ¡Un agradecimiento especial a los talentosos solistas que se destacaron y ofrecieron actuaciones increíbles! Estén atentos para ver más fotos de esta espectacular velada. 🎺🥁🎷 (EN): March is Music in Our Schools Month®, and what better way to celebrate than with a district-wide showcase of our talented musicians? Our first-ever District-Wide Band Festival brought together student musicians from elementary, middle, and high school for an unforgettable performance. Special shoutout to the talented soloists who stepped into the spotlight and delivered amazing performances! Stay tuned for more photos from this spectacular evening. 🎺🥁🎷 #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #NASDBandFestival #MusicInOurSchoolsMonth #MIOSM
5 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Elementary students on stage playing the drums
Student waving to audience after performance
Middle school soloist playing the clarinet
Elementary students playing on stage during the band festival
High school student playing the double bass during band festival
Middle school students playing on stage during the band festival
Student on stage playing the Timpani
Ms. Obrien directing the band on stage
High school students on stage playing saxophones during band festival
Mr. Trujillo directing band on stage
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Llamando a todos los estudiantes-atletas y sus familias! 🏀⚽️🏈 Únase a nosotros el martes 18 de marzo a las 7:00 PM en la biblioteca NAHS para una sesión importante sobre el Centro de elegibilidad de la NCAA y lo que se necesita para jugar al siguiente nivel. ¡El orador invitado, el Sr. Bill Stiles, lo guiará a través del proceso y responderá preguntas! Regístrate aquí: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AC29ABFCC70-53167675-ncaa (EN): Calling all student-athletes and their families! 🏀⚽️🏈 Join us on Tuesday, March 18 at 7:00 PM at NAHS Library for an important session about the NCAA Eligibility Center and what it takes to play at the next level. Guest Speaker, Mr. Bill Stiles will guide you through the process and answer questions! Register here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45A5AC29ABFCC70-53167675-ncaa #NCAA #StudentAthletes #NextLevel #CollegeBound #NCAAEligibility #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown
5 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Collage of different student athletes
NCAA Info Night Flyer in English
NCAA Info Night Flyer in Spanish
(Español/English) (ES): ¡La semana de lectura en todo Estados Unidos continúa! ✨📚 ¡Esta mañana en ESTLA, los estudiantes que mostraron una mejora significativa en sus puntajes de lectura STAR tuvieron la emocionante oportunidad de participar en la inauguración y gran inauguración de su nueva máquina expendedora de libros! ¡Los estudiantes recibieron fichas para seleccionar un libro de la máquina! Tanayah y Zaiden compartieron poemas con sus compañeros de clase antes de ayudar a cortar el listón de esta nueva y emocionante incorporación. ¡Felicitaciones a todos estos increíbles lectores! ¡Sigan con el gran trabajo y feliz lectura! 🎉📖 (EN): Read Across America Week Continues! ✨📚 This morning at ESTLA, students who showed significant improvement on their STAR reading scores had the exciting opportunity to participate in the ribbon-cutting and grand unveiling of their brand-new Book Vending Machine! Students were awarded tokens to select a book from the machine! Tanayah and Zaiden shared poems with their classmates before helping cut the ribbon for this exciting new addition. Congratulations to all these incredible readers! Keep up the great work, and happy reading! 🎉📖 #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #ReadAcrossAmerica #NASDReads #BookVendingMachine
7 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Student in panther mascot costume standing in front of the new book vending machine
Dr. Taylor reading welcome message before the ribbon cutting
Students holding up the books they just received from the book vending machine
Student cutting the ribbon on the book vending machine
Student cutting the ribbon on the book vending machine
Posters of the poems that students read during the unveiling of the book vending machine
Student putting token into the book vending machine to get a book
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Hoy es el Día Nacional de Agradecimiento a los Trabajadores de Mantenimiento! ✨🔧 Queremos tomarnos un momento para reconocer y agradecer a nuestro increíble equipo de mantenimiento de NASD por su arduo trabajo y dedicación. Desde mantener nuestros edificios seguros y funcionales hasta garantizar que nuestras escuelas estén bien mantenidas para los estudiantes y el personal, sus esfuerzos detrás de escena tienen un gran impacto todos los días. 👏💙 (EN): Today is National Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day! ✨🔧 We want to take a moment to recognize and thank our incredible NASD Maintenance Team for their hard work and dedication. From keeping our buildings safe and functional to ensuring our schools are well-maintained for students and staff, their behind-the-scenes efforts make a huge impact every day. 👏💙 #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #MaintenanceAppreciationDay
8 days ago, Norristown Area School District
2 Men pose for photo wearing work vests and one holding a hammer
Man poses for photo while holding wrench
Man painting wall while standing on ladder
Man wearing work vest, holding up a piece of wood
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Feliz semana de lectura en todo Estados Unidos! 🎉📚 ¡Estamos iniciando las celebraciones en la Escuela Primaria Hancock con una asamblea especial para segundo grado con Elizabeth Stryker, nativa de Norristown, ilustradora de "La notable montaña rusa de Riley"! ¡Muchas gracias a la Fundación de Educación del Área de Norristown por esta oportunidad y por proporcionar copias firmadas a cada estudiante de segundo grado en Hancock! 📖✨ ¡Estén atentos para leer más diversión durante la semana! (EN): Happy Read Across America Week! 🎉📚 We're kicking off the celebrations at Hancock Elementary School with a special assembly for second grade featuring Norristown-native Elizabeth Stryker, illustrator of “Riley's Remarkable Roller Coaster Ride”! Huge thanks to the Norristown Area Education Foundation for this opportunity and for providing signed copies to each second grader at Hancock! 📖✨ Stay tuned for more reading fun throughout the week! #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #ReadAcrossAmerica
8 days ago, Norristown Area School District
A boy holding up the book and girl proudly display her drawing during a Read Across America assembly.
Elizabeth smiling while speaking to students during the assembly
Book titled "Riley's Remarkable Roller Coaster Ride" displayed upright, illustrated by Elizabeth
Elizabeth listening to a student answer a question during the assembly
Students looking their signed copy of Elizabeth's book
Elizabeth reading her book during the assembly
Elizabeth drawing on a white poster board at the front of the assembly, teaching the students how to draw one of the characters
Elizabeth with a student volunteer to teach everyone a special handshake
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Bendiciones de la temporada de Cuaresma! NASD envía sus mejores deseos a todos los que observan el Lunes Limpio o el Miércoles de Ceniza. Reconocemos a nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias que puedan estar observando este tiempo sagrado. Que esta temporada traiga renovación y paz. ✝️✨ (EN): Lenten Season Blessings! NASD sends best wishes to all who observe Clean Monday or Ash Wednesday. We recognize our students, staff, and families that may be observing this sacred time. May this season bring renewal and peace. ✝️✨ #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown
8 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Wooden table with greenery, heart shaped dish with ashes, and a purple candle. Overlayed with text "Lenten Season"
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Marzo es el Mes de la Música en Nuestras Escuelas (Music In Our Schools Month®), designado por la Asociación Nacional para la Educación Musical (NAfME)! El tema de este año, "Unidos a través de la música", celebra el poder de la música para unir a las personas. NASD se enorgullece de reconocer el increíble impacto de la educación musical en nuestros estudiantes, familias y comunidad. Desde coro y banda hasta orquesta y teatro, la música fomenta la creatividad, la conexión y la alegría en nuestras escuelas. ¡Únase a nosotros para celebrar a nuestros talentosos estudiantes y dedicados educadores musicales este mes! 🎶💙 Obtenga más información en: https://nafme.org/ (EN): March is Music In Our Schools Month®, designated by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME)! This year’s theme, "United Through Music," celebrates the power of music to bring people together. NASD is proud to recognize the incredible impact of music education on our students, families, and community. From choir and band to orchestra and theater, music fosters creativity, connection, and joy in our schools. Join us in celebrating our talented students and dedicated music educators this month! 🎶💙 Learn more at: https://nafme.org/ #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #MusicInOurSchoolsMonth #MISOM
11 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Band student in band uniform holding flute while on a field
Music In Our Schools Month graphic with text "United Through Music. 40th Music In Our Schools Month®. Learn how you can celebrate your music program this March!"
Students sitting on risers playing instruments while looking at their music stands and teacher conducting in front of the students
2 students pose for photo during rehearsal
Large group of students on stage and risers in front of the stage at NASD Choir festival, students are standing in groups with matching shirts
Students sitting on risers playing instruments while looking at their music stands and teacher conducting in front of the students
Student playing violin
Students singing at Very Merry Sing Along while reading lyrics on sheet of paper
2 students playing saxophones while looking at their music stand
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Feliz Mes de la Historia de la Mujer! NASD celebra las increíbles contribuciones de las mujeres (pasadas, presentes y futuras) que inspiran, lideran y marcan la diferencia en nuestras escuelas y más allá.💜🌟🌎 ¡Brindemos por las mujeres que allanan el camino para un mañana mejor! (EN): Happy Women's History Month! NASD celebrates the incredible contributions of women—past, present, and future—who inspire, lead, and make a difference in our schools and beyond.💜🌟🌎 Here’s to the women who pave the way for a brighter tomorrow! #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #WomensHistoryMonth
11 days ago, Norristown Area School District
A collage celebrating Women's History Month in Norristown Area School District, featuring students, teachers, and staff in activities like STEM, sports, reading, and cultural performances. The center displays the district's eagle logo with bilingual text: "Mes de la Historia de la Mujer" and "Women's History Month."
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Ramadan Mubarak! NASD desea a todos los que observan un mes pacífico y bendecido. Reconocemos y apoyamos a nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias que ayunan y celebran. Que este sea un tiempo de reflexión, gratitud y comunidad. 🌙✨ (EN): Ramadan Mubarak! NASD wishes all who observe a peaceful and blessed month. We recognize and support our students, staff, and families who are fasting and celebrating. May this be a time of reflection, gratitude, and community. 🌙✨ #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #RamadanMubarak
11 days ago, Norristown Area School District
A digital graphic celebrating Ramadan, featuring a blue gradient background with hanging white lanterns and small stars. The text "Ramadan Mubarak" is displayed in elegant white font, with the Norristown Area School District eagle logo and "N" at the bottom.
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Las celebraciones del Mes de la Historia Afroamericana en la Escuela Intermedia Blockson y la Academia de Liderazgo en Ciencia y Tecnología Eisenhower fueron un gran éxito! Más de 200 personas asistieron a la celebración de Blockson, donde los invitados disfrutaron de una noche de aprendizaje y diversión. En ESTLA, los estudiantes de quinto grado interpretaron "Una vida sin color", destacando las contribuciones de los inventores. Los estudiantes también participaron en su Museo de Cera Viviente anual que mostró momentos importantes de la historia negra. 🖤❤️💛💚 Ambos eventos fueron maravillosas oportunidades para que la comunidad se reuniera y celebrara el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana. (EN): Black History Month celebrations at Blockson Middle School and Eisenhower Science & Technology Leadership Academy were a huge success! Over 200 people attended Blockson's celebration, where guests enjoyed a night of learning and fun. At ESTLA, fifth grade students performed "A Life Without Color," highlighting the contributions of inventors. Students also participated in their annual Living Wax Museum showcased significant moments in Black History. 🖤❤️💛💚 Both events were wonderful opportunities for the community to come together and celebrate Black History Month. #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #BlackHistoryMonth
11 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Student presenting their Living Wax Museum project to an adult
Students performing step routine
ESTLA Staff pose for photo
Blockson staff and community partners pose for photo
Student poses in front of their Living Wax Museum project
White poster with text "Black History Month - Presenting "A Life Without Color" Grade 5"
Student holding microphone and reading script
Student holding microphone and reading script
Students pose for photo in front of table during the event
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Un saludo a Maci Jordan, estudiante de último año, por compartir sus poderosos conocimientos sobre cómo abrazar la belleza negra natural en honor al Mes de la Historia Afroamericana! Junto con su inspirador mensaje, echa un vistazo a la impresionante galería de fotos que muestra más de 60 retratos que celebran la autenticidad. 📸💖 Lea el artículo aquí: nahswingspan.com/18078/showcase/embracing-natural-black-beauty/# (EN): Shoutout to senior Maci Jordan for sharing her powerful insights on embracing natural Black beauty in honor of Black History Month! Along with her inspiring message, check out the stunning photo gallery showcasing over 60 portraits that celebrate authenticity. 📸💖 Read the article here: nahswingspan.com/18078/showcase/embracing-natural-black-beauty/# #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #BlackIsBeautiful #BlackHistoryMonth #NAHSwingspan
12 days ago, Norristown Area School District
(Español/English) (ES): ¡Únase a nosotros la próxima semana para iniciar el Mes de la Música en Nuestras Escuelas (Music In Our Schools Month®) con un Festival de Bandas en todo el distrito! 🎶🎺🎷 Únase a nosotros en la Escuela Preparatoria del Área de Norristown el martes 4 de marzo a las 6:30 PM para esta presentación especial gratuita con estudiantes de banda de los grados 4-12. ¡No pierdas esta oportunidad de celebrar el talento y la dedicación de nuestros jóvenes músicos! Obtenga más información en: https://nafme.org/ (EN): Join us next week as we kick off Music In Our Schools Month® with a district-wide Band Festival! 🎶🎺🎷 Join us at Norristown Area High School on Tuesday, March 4, at 6:30 PM for this free special performance featuring band students from grades 4-12. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate the talent and dedication of our young musicians! Learn more at: https://nafme.org/ #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #MusicInOurSchoolsMonth #MISOM #BandFestival
14 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Flyer for NASD Band Festival
Music In Our Schools Month graphic with text "United Through Music. 40th Music In Our Schools Month®. Learn how you can celebrate your music program this March!"
NAHS Band students playing saxophones on stage while looking at music stand
Band student in band uniform playing the drums on a field
NAHS Band performing in gymnasium
(Español/English) (ES): 📖✨ ¡Los estudiantes de la Academia de Liderazgo en Ciencia y Tecnología Eisenhower tuvieron una experiencia verdaderamente especial este Mes de la Historia Afroamericana! Kevin Douglass Greene, tataranieto de Frederick Douglass, visitó el Centro Vance en Norristown para hablar con los estudiantes sobre el poderoso legado de su antepasado, especialmente su pasión por ampliar la educación en la comunidad negra. El Sr. Greene involucró a los estudiantes en una discusión reflexiva y una sesión de preguntas y respuestas, compartiendo ideas y perspectivas valiosas. Como recompensa especial, regaló copias firmadas de "¿Quién fue Frederick Douglass?" a los estudiantes que participaron activamente. ¡Qué oportunidad tan inolvidable para conocer de primera mano una de las voces más influyentes de la historia! (EN): 📖✨ Students at Eisenhower Science and Technology Leadership Academy had a truly special experience this Black History Month! Kevin Douglass Greene, the great-great grandson of Frederick Douglass, visited in partnership with the Vance Center in Norristown to speak with students about his ancestor’s powerful legacy—especially his passion for expanding education in the Black community. Mr. Greene engaged students in a thoughtful discussion and Q&A session, sharing valuable insights and perspectives. As a special reward, he gifted signed copies of “Who Was Frederick Douglass?” to students who actively participated. What an unforgettable opportunity to learn firsthand about one of history’s most influential voices! #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #BlackHistoryMonth
16 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Mr. Greene and Mr. Vance pose for group photo with students.
Mr. Greene and Mr. Vance sitting at the front of the classroom addressing students
Mr. Greene sits at the front of a classroom with students raising their hands to answer a question
Mr. Greene sits at the front of a classroom addressing a group of students and teachers
(Español/English) (ES): 📚🎶🩷 ¡NASD está celebrando el Mes de la Historia Afroamericana de muchas maneras significativas! Desde leer sobre inventores y personajes históricos negros como Garrett Morgan hasta escribir un juego de "Adivina quién" que destaca a los agentes de cambio clave, los estudiantes están profundizando su conocimiento y aprecio. ¡En la clase de gimnasio, algunos incluso aprendieron el tobogán eléctrico! 💃🏾🪩 Los pasillos, las puertas y los tablones de anuncios están llenos de creatividad. Además, NASD-TV lee poemas diarios y otras selecciones, con selecciones afrolatinas en español los miércoles. (EN): 📚🎶🩷 NASD is celebrating Black History Month in so many meaningful ways! From reading about Black historical figures and inventors like Garrett Morgan to writing a "Guess Who" game highlighting key changemakers, students are deepening their knowledge and appreciation. In gym class, some even learned the Electric Slide! 💃🏾🪩 Hallways, doors, and bulletin boards are bursting with creativity. Plus, NASD-TV is reading daily poems and other selections, with Afro-Latino selections in Spanish on Wednesdays. #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #BlackHistoryMonth
18 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Classroom where a young student is interacting with a touchscreen display. The screen features a lesson about Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant, a scientist who studies and protects animals.
Group of young students participating in a classroom activity about the inventor of the traffic signal. They are holding up handmade paper traffic lights in front of their faces. The background includes a projected slide that reads, "He invented something that helps traffic every day. The traffic signal!"
Classroom display featuring a "Guess Who?" activity focused on notable historical figures. The display consists of student-written clues about a famous person, accompanied by a hidden picture of the individual covered with a flap.
Students and teacher in gym class dancing
Classroom door decorated for Black History Month
NAHS Main Office Black History Month Display
Student reading selection on NASD-TV
Center lobby display at NAHS filled with books and items for Black History Month
(Español/English) (ES): Anoche, celebramos a nuestros estudiantes de último año del equipo de lucha libre de NAHS. ¡Felicitaciones a estos 3 estudiantes de último año y mucha suerte en el resto del año escolar y más allá! 🤼‍♂️🎉💙 (EN): Last night, we celebrated our seniors on the NAHS Wrestling Team! Congratulations to these 3 seniors, and best of luck in the rest of the school year and beyond! 🤼‍♂️🎉💙 #NASDproud #BeTheLeader #Norristown #SeniorNight2025
21 days ago, Norristown Area School District
Wrestling team seniors standing with their coaches
Senior standing with family members
Senior standing with family members
Senior standing with family member