Very excited for tonight's spring music concert. Great job everyone! Thank you to all our families for coming out tonight.
almost 2 years ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5
Don't forget! It's happening tonight and tomorrow night 😀
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
flyer advertising art show and concerts
Thank you to our PFC for providing the staff appreciation luncheon today including all of those amazing gift baskets! With love from all the ENMS staff ❤️
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
collage of teachers accepting their baskets
Congratulations to this week's Exceptional Eagles! The players highlighted this week were chosen for their grit, focus during practice, and commitment to improvement. These players have shown significant growth during the season both on and off the field. We are proud to celebrate them as our exceptional eagles.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
photo of female student
Happy Mother's Day!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
flowers around text reading happy Mother’s Day
Some great fun was had as we played Pong for Prizes in the staff lounge. Congrats to all of our winners. We'd like to thank all our teachers for their efforts and support of our students. Our final activity will be our annual Teacher Appreciation lunch on Tuesday planned by our wonderful PFC. Thanks teachers for all you do and will do for our kids! You are simple the best!
almost 2 years ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
Mrs. Brennan and Mrs. Ford
fun for everyone today during lunch
we had some skilled pong players
great prizes
wonder what we will come up with next year!
Congrats to Mr. Ross and Mrs. Foster for winning today's trivia challenge.
almost 2 years ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
Mrs. Foster
Mr. Ross
Congrats to today's trivia winners Mrs. Hoag and Mrs. Champion-Elias!
almost 2 years ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
Mrs. Champion-Elias
Mrs. Hoag
Congrats to Mr. Toner and Mrs. Rothfeld for winning today's trivia competition. We also hope our staff enjoyed their salty or sweet afternoon delivery of snacks and drinks by Dr. Harper and Mrs. Ervin. Tomorrow our staff will be on the hunt for some Norristown N's hidden throughout the building to enter a raffle for some FitBits. We hide them very well so good luck teachers!
almost 2 years ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
Mr Toner was a winner today.
Mrs. Rothfeld was also a winner today.
Dr. Harper delivering snacks to Ms. Wert and Mrs. Hoag.
Congrats to Mrs. Brennan for winning today's trivia contest in the morning and afternoon as part of our Teacher Appreciation Week celebration. Enjoy the Starbucks and thanks to all our staff for everything they do for our children.
almost 2 years ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
Mrs Brennan
Here is the link to week's parent newsletter, The Principal's Office.
almost 2 years ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
newsletter 5.7.23
Field Day is quickly approaching- if your child(ren) want a shirt for this event please see the attached photo! No late orders will be accepted
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
infographic on how to order field day shirt
8th grade students can sign up for summer camps through Gear Up.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
summer camp flyer
summer camp flyer
summer camp flyer
summer camp flyer
Help our GOTR (Girls on the Run) and Heart & Sole students support Manna on Main
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
canned food drive flyer photo
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Norristown Area School District
It's everything Norristown ASD, in your pocket.
¡Nos encanta nuestra nueva app! Mantente actualizado con eventos, documentos, noticias e incluso notificaciones de emergencia, todo desde tu bolsillo. Descarga para Android Descarga para iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Norristown Area School District
Todo Norristown ASD en tu bolsillo.
ENMS Cleanup Complete! Students put together a project where three 7th grade students from each homeroom were nominated to come out and participate in the cleanup and then enjoyed some water ice!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
students doing the clean up
group photo
students doing the clean up
students doing the clean up
stuff buts eatingbuts eating water ice
Happy National Teacher Appreciation Day to the amazing teachers at East Norriton Middle School. We see you and we thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
blackboard with happy teacher appreciation day written on it
Happy Principals Day to Mr. Hutchinson. Thank you for all you do for our students, staff and families.
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
Mr. Hutchinson sitting at table with three students
Congratulations to all our students who won awards for the month of April! Great job and keep up the hard work
almost 2 years ago, Amy Divirgilio
collage photo of the April winners