Please join the PFC virtual meeting tonight at 7 pm. We will have guest speaker, Nicole VanBuskirk, assistant principal from the high school to discuss scheduling for our 8th graders headed to the high school in the fall. Use the link to join
2 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
course selection
Please join the PFC virtual meeting this Wednesday, February 19th at 7 pm. We will have guest speaker, Nicole VanBuskirk, assistant principal from the high school to discuss scheduling for our 8th graders headed to the high school in the fall. Use the link to join
3 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Course selection
We might be biased, but we think we have the best School Resource Officer around! Thank you Officer Tim Warner for being our SRO!
6 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Sro appreciation day
It is KINDNESS Week- tomorrow's theme is Valen-KINDS Day wear hearts or the colors red and pink!
8 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Valen-KINDS day
Thank you to our amazing PFC for getting "Lunch with Love" setup for our students and families to enjoy today- here is a sneak peak of how they transformed the gym for this favorite event!
8 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Preview of lunch with love
It is KINDNESS Week- tomorrow's theme is Hats off to Kindness: wear your favorite Hat!
9 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Hat off to Kindness
It is KINDNESS Week- tomorrow's theme is Spirit of Kindness: wear your ENMS gear!
10 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Spirit of Kindness
It is KINDNESS Week- tomorrow's theme is Team Kindness: wear your favorite teams gear!
11 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Team kindess
Tomorrow is "Crazy Socks" day to kick off Kindness Week. E-A-G-L-E-S!
12 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
kindness week lineup
Tomorrow is the last day to register for Lunch with Love- if you need a copy of form, it can be found under the "Documents" section on the ENMS Website (here is the link to that main page)
15 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Lunch with love sign up reminder= must be returned by Feb. 10th
Congratulations to the 7th graders who were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society last night! We are so proud of you- thank you to all the family members and friends that attended last night- we couldn't do it without your support! More photos to come!
17 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Newest class of NJHS inductees
Don't forget to return your Lunch with Love forms to the ENMS main office by Feb. 10th if you would like to join your child(ren) for lunch on Feb. 13th!!
18 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Lunch with love sign up due 2/10
21 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
Bag Bingo Flyer
Happy Lunar New Year!
23 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
lunar new year
Lunch with Love event planned for February 13th during all lunches. Please check your email for additional details. Flyers were also sent home with students on Monday and Tuesday.
23 days ago, Jeffrey Hutchinson
The 5th graders learned about the geosphere. Today they created the layers of the earth with play dough.
24 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
earth lab photo
earth lab photo
earth lab photo
It's official- the Philadelphia Eagles are heading to big game in New Orleans! Wear your gear to school tomorrow to celebrate 😊
26 days ago, Amy Divirgilio
eagles win, wear your gear
Need an easy and quick meal solution- we have the answer. Stop in at Honey Grow- Plymouth Meeting location tomorrow and support our ENMS Drama Club- use code GIVE140 when ordering!!
about 1 month ago, Amy Divirgilio
honey grow fundraiser
Thank you to all those who serve and protect our communities.
about 1 month ago, Amy Divirgilio