The Blockson Community Garden is in full bloom! Thank you to Ms. Brumbaugh and friends for the hard, hot work!
over 1 year ago, Karen Addison-Williams
Blockson Garden
Blockson Garden
Blockson Community Garden
All NASD Families are invited to come and share in the conversation this evening on "The Power of Change." Please bring a friend! 5:30pm at the Norristown Library. Pizza will be provided.
over 1 year ago, Karen Addison-Williams
Summer Series
All NASD families are welcome to attend. Please tell a friend and come together, this evening! #FAMILIESMATTER
over 1 year ago, Karen Addison-Williams
NASD Speaker Series
Check out the latest SMS Newsletter with many pictures, fun, and free tips and opportunities.
over 1 year ago, Karen Addison-Williams
Some of our 5th-grade scholars published two books this year. The first was their "I Am Cultural " poems with Mrs. Flood, and their second book was STEAM related with Mr. DeStefano. We are so proud of them!
over 1 year ago, Karen Addison-Williams
SMS - 5th-grade authors!
Special Education Middle School to High School Transition Session on Zoom. TUESDAY, MAY 30TH 6:00-7:00 PM REGISTER NOW!
over 1 year ago, NASD Special Ed Department
English Session Flyer
Spanish Session Flyer
Honoring all SMS teachers and those who educate our children in preparation for life! #nationalteachersday
over 1 year ago, Karen Addison-Williams
Honoring Our Teachers!
¡Nos encanta nuestra nueva app! Mantente actualizado con eventos, documentos, noticias e incluso notificaciones de emergencia, todo desde tu bolsillo. Descarga para Android Descarga para iPhone
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
Todo Norristown ASD en tu bolsillo.
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
It's everything Norristown ASD, in your pocket.
Remake Learning Days in our region will take place May 4-23. Various organizations - schools, libraries, businesses, non-profits, and other community centers - will come together to provide our youth and families with innovative learning experiences related to art, science, outdoor learning, and technology. Events are either in person, virtual, or on demand and are for all different ages. Some events require a cost, while others are FREE! Use the link below to see which Remake Learning Days are nearby- #RemakeDaysEastPA
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
A partir de mayo, nuestro Sistema de Información Estudiantil cambiará para servir mejor a nuestras familias. El Portal para padres de Infinite Campus es más fácil de iniciar sesión y acceder a toda la información de su hijo, desde una computadora o una aplicación móvil con todas las funciones. Imprima boletas de calificaciones y transcripciones fácilmente, envíe excusas de asistencia electrónicamente, complete formularios escolares en línea en lugar de papel y controle las vacunas de su hijo. Desde una computadora, tableta o su teléfono celular, tendrá mejor acceso a toda la información de su hijo a través de una aplicación con todas las funciones. ¡Más información próximamente!
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
Campus infinito
Coming this May our Student Information System is changing to better serve our families. The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is easier to log into and access all of your child's information, from a computer or a full featured mobile app. Print report cards and transcripts easily, submit attendance excuses electronically, fill out school forms online instead of paper and monitor your child's immunizations. From a computer, tablet or your cell phone you will have better access to all of your child's information through a full featured app. More information coming soon!
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
infinite campus
NASD will be hosting walk-in interviews at the admin building every Thursday from 1:30pm-3:00pm for our support staff positions! This will include; ESL para, food service staff, custodian, and maintenance.
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
The transformation is underway as we prepare to reimagine our spaces to infuse STEM as part of our @Fluxspace_io partnership grant. Here are before and after pics of @StewartMiddle Library, as well as an image of the new furniture design.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
SMS final
SMS after
SMS before
On Saturday April 22nd, Marshall Street Fast and Stewart PFC are celebrating Earth Day by joining together to clean up our incredible neighborhood! Please join us at Marshall Street Elementary School starting at 11am where we will work together to clean up the grounds and do some minor repair work. We will work together to clean the neighborhood. We encourage you to pack a lunch and enjoy the meal together with everyone. After lunch, we will move down the street to Stewart where we will spend the remainder of our time cleaning up the grounds there. Trash bags, yard debris bags, rubber gloves and few tools will be provided. If you have work gloves of your own, please bring them! It’s going to be a hot day, so dress accordingly. We look forward to seeing any and all members of our community who join us. 🌎💙
over 1 year ago, Dr. Camil Culbreath, Stewart Principal
Earth Day School Clean Up
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Norristown ASD! It's everything Norristown ASD, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
It's everything Norristown ASD, in your pocket.
Todo Norristown ASD, en tu bolsillo.
Check out the latest edition of Superintendent's Corner for March 2023:
over 1 year ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
SC March 2023
Happy Assistant Principal's Week Mr. Kramp!
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
Mr. Kramp Happy Assistant Principals Week Thank you
The closure at Main and Swede had been extended to April 7 due to unforeseen problems in replacing mains.
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District
A map
Please vote for NASD's recipe as your fan favorite! Out of 100 recipes submitted throughout the country and a taste test panel, our very own Breakfast Waffle Taco is in the TOP 10 Recipes in the nation! Vote below-
over 1 year ago, Norristown Area School District