The Ice Cream Social was a huge hit last evening as we dished out around 500 bowls of ice cream. Thank you to all the families who came out for a fun evening! A huge THANK YOU goes out to the teachers who helped to scoop and serve last evening. We can't do it without you!
8 days ago, Sarrah Raub
Ice cream social friends
Ice cream social friends
Ice cream social friends
Ice Cream Social friends
Marshall Street Ice Cream Social is Tuesday, September 17th. Please register to join us!
14 days ago, Sarrah Raub
How to register
How to register
Reminder that Meet the Teacher Night is tonight! Join us at Marshall Street from 5:30 - 7:30. See you later!
14 days ago, Sarrah Raub
Meet the Teacher
Details in Spanish
Today's @NorristownASD District Opening Ceremony will be LIVESTREAMED at 8:45 am. Please join us for welcomes, performances, and celebrations, including our 2023-2024 NASD Teacher of the Year. Watch the ceremony -
about 1 month ago, Christopher Dormer, Superintendent of Schools
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Kindergarten students last night at Kindergarten graduation! The weather and celebration were both wonderful!
4 months ago, Sarrah Raub
Graduation Class sign
Mrs. Strasbourg and Mrs. Maltman's Classes
Ms. Dropesky, Ms. Whitney, and Mrs. Browne's Classes
Mr. Dormer addresses the students and families
Whole group
k grads
teachers with students
Marshall Street students, staff, and volunteers had so much fun at Field Day! Check out some photos from the event on May 23rd.
4 months ago, Sarrah Raub
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day
Field Day Pie Contest
Attention families of Marshall Street 4th Grade Students! Please save the date for the 4th Grade Parade and Celebration on Wednesday, June 5th! More details to follow!
4 months ago, Sarrah Raub
4th Grade Parade
The Art and STEAM show last night was excellent! Thank you to all the parents and families who brought their children to attend the show. All the student work looked fantastic and we love seeing it displayed throughout the school building!
4 months ago, Sarrah Raub
Art and STEAM Show
Art and STEAM Show
Art and STEAM Show
Art and STEAM Show
Art and STEAM Show
Art and STEAM Show
Art and STEAM Show
Art and STEAM Show
Our teachers are working hard to get all the student work out for everyone to see tonight at the Art and STEAM Show! Please join us at the school from 5:30-7pm to walk through and see the wonderful work of our students!
4 months ago, Sarrah Raub
2nd and 4th grades
1st grade
Miss Schroding, Mrs. Polek, and Mrs. Smith's classes had a great time exploring at the Norristown Farm Park with our friends from Riverbend Environmental Center. Despite the rain, we had loads of fun exploring the outdoors, observing nature, and learning about our environment.
4 months ago, Sarrah Raub
3rd Grade Riverbend
3rd Grade Riverbend
3rd Grade Riverbend
3rd Grade Riverbend
Last week, students who won the Mystery Motivator participated in Lobby Lunch! What fun they had with their friends eating lunch in a special place with a great view and sunshine! Some students said they felt like they were at a Tea Party!
4 months ago, Sarrah Raub
Kindergarten winners!
Kindergarten Winners!
2nd Grade Winners!
4th Grade winners!
Please join us tomorrow night for the Marshall Street Art and STEAM show! We will have students' work on display!
5 months ago, Sarrah Raub
Art and STEAM show artwork
Students may shop at the Book Fair on their Library day this week! Flyers and info about e-wallet were sent home last week. Please visit our webpage: Contact Miss Rehm with any questions at
7 months ago, Sarrah Raub
Book fair graphic
(Español/English) (ES): Debido al clima previsto, todas las escuelas y oficinas del Distrito Escolar del Área de Norristown estarán cerradas mañana, martes 13 de febrero de 2024. Los estudiantes deben iniciar sesión en Google ClassRoom antes de la hora normal de inicio de clases para participar en el Día de Instrucción Flexible (FID) virtual. Los estudiantes deben seguir el horario publicado en su escuela. ❄️💻 (EN): Due to the anticipated weather, all Norristown Area School District schools and offices will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13, 2024. Students should log into Google ClassRoom by normal school start time tomorrow to participate in the virtual Flexible Instruction Day (FID). Students should follow their school's posted schedule. ❄️💻
8 months ago, Norristown Area School District
On Thursday, February 1st, students and teachers at Marshall Street Elementary School celebrated the 100th day of school! Check out some of the photos of the fun activities throughout the day!
8 months ago, Sarrah Raub
Mrs. Krause's Class shares their 100th day projects
Ms. Siar's class looks like they are having a lot of fun with their 100th day activities!
Ms. Whitney's class shares their activities for the 100th day of school!
Mrs. Maltman's class works diligently on their 100th day project!
(Español/English) (ES): Debido al clima previsto, todas las escuelas y oficinas del Distrito Escolar del Área de Norristown estarán cerradas mañana, viernes 19 de enero de 2024. Los estudiantes deben iniciar sesión en Google ClassRoom antes de la hora normal de inicio de clases para participar en el Día de Instrucción Flexible (FID) virtual. Los estudiantes deben seguir el horario publicado en su escuela. ❄️💻 (EN): Due to the anticipated weather, all Norristown Area School District schools and offices will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 19, 2024. Students should log into Google ClassRoom by normal school start time tomorrow to participate in the virtual Flexible Instruction Day (FID). Students should follow their school's posted schedule. ❄️💻
8 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Flexible Instruction Day
(Español/English) (ES): Debido al clima previsto, todas las escuelas y oficinas del Distrito Escolar del Área de Norristown estarán cerradas mañana, viernes 19 de enero de 2024. Los estudiantes deben iniciar sesión en Google ClassRoom antes de la hora normal de inicio de clases para participar en el Día de Instrucción Flexible (FID) virtual. Los estudiantes deben seguir el horario publicado en su escuela. ❄️💻 (EN): Due to the anticipated weather, all Norristown Area School District schools and offices will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 19, 2024. Students should log into Google ClassRoom by normal school start time tomorrow to participate in the virtual Flexible Instruction Day (FID). Students should follow their school's posted schedule. ❄️💻
8 months ago, Norristown Area School District
(Español/English) (ES): Un mensaje importante sobre los Días de Instrucción Flexible. (EN): An important message about Flexible Instruction Days.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Flexible Instruction Days
Días de instrucción flexibles (FID)
(Español/English) (ES): Un agradecimiento especial a tres estudiantes de NASD, Aliyah A., Jasmine P. y Brianna A., quienes cantarán y bailarán en las escaleras del Museo de Arte de Filadelfia con el coro juvenil masivo durante el Desfile del Día de Acción de Gracias de 6ABC y Dunkin’. (EN): Special shoutout to three NASD students, Aliyah A., Jasmine P., and Brianna A., who will be singing and dancing on the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum with the mass youth choir during the 6ABC Dunkin’ Thanksgiving Day Parade.
10 months ago, Norristown Area School District
Aliyah A., Jasmine P.
Marshall Street Families completed their first at-home STEAM projects! They were asked to create a shelter or building. The students were so excited to share what they made and see their work displayed in the hallways and library! Thank you to all the families that participated!
10 months ago, Sarrah Raub