Our School

Cole Manor Elementary School was built in 1956 in East Norriton Township. Cole Manor is a Grade 1 through 4 school serving over 400 students. Cole Manor School is unique in that it is built around an atrium which is seen from the center of the building. As one enters the building, the trees, flowers and sunshine are there to greet you. We are very proud of the rigorous academic program at Cole Manor. Cole Manor has received several recognitions based upon these programs and successful academic achievements. Our school was recognized in the Philadelphia Inquirer as one of the schools in the region having made the largest gains in reading in one year. In addition, we were named a Title I Distinguished School in 2014. Cole Manor has been highlighted at The Pennsylvania Excellence Fair for the last 6 years highlighting various programs and activities including; the annual Academic EXPO, “Comet Tales”, a school-based magazine, “The Healthy Comet”, a school based newspaper, “Be A Buddy, Not A Bully”, a school wide program that addresses bullying, “The Young Film Makers Club” a student movie club run by our music department, career readiness, and finally our music and art programs for the amazing work they do in the arts. We are very proud of these accomplishments and all we have to offer your children at Cole Manor.
Cole Manor prides itself on being a culturally responsive school where all students' traditions and heritage are celebrated and honored. As a school we plan schoolwide activities each year that allows students to learn about themselves, their classmates and the world around them by exploring others' cultures, traditions and heritage. Staff continuously work on ensuring we are not only a culturally responsive school community but that our practices and programs reflect this each day.
To ensure a positive climate is an ongoing focus, we have a schoolwide behavior program entitled "Flying High". All teachers and faculty members encourage students to make positive choices each day. Cole Manor also has a bus-safety incentive program and a formal anti- bullying program, “Be a Buddy, Not a Bully”. Students who consistently follow proper conduct guidelines are recognized throughout the school year.
Cole Manor’s central focus is a commitment to children and ensuring that each child receives the customized attention that he or she needs. During the school year, our students and teachers are assisted by parent volunteers, community organizations, local business partnerships and the Foster Grandparent Program in which local senior citizens volunteer their time to help our youngsters. We are very proud of our partnerships with Elmwood Park Zoo, RSVP, and The Healthy Times to name a few.
A Parental Involvement Committee was established in 2005. The goal of the committee is to ensure that the staff and families of our students stay in close contact and work as a team. The staff at Cole Manor prides themselves on a strong and ongoing commitment to education and the community that we serve. We work closely with our PFC to continuously focus upon parental involvement. Our mission statement clearly outlines the common goal we focus upon at Cole Manor.
Mision, Vision and Shared Values
Cole Manor Elementary School’s shared vision is based on the premise that all students will achieve at high levels, think deeply and profoundly, learn to accurately and effectively problem solve, and learn skills and strategies needed to live and work in the 21st century. It is our goal to achieve this as we focus on being a culturally responsive school. We believe students will achieve their highest potential with a child-centered approach to teaching and learning. Indicators such as student wellness in social-emotional and academic areas, and data and proficient performance in grade level skills are used as a guide to determine students’ progress. Students are leaders in the Cole Manor Community and will be supported through various systems within our overall work. We work on the premise that we are the first step in preparing students for a post-secondary path.
The staff at Cole Manor Elementary School are involved in ongoing collaboration and professional development as we believe we are all lifelong learners. A high standard of instruction and student engagement is the expectation. This is assured by consistent and constant conversations regarding instruction, data and resources and how to ensure all students feel respected, celebrated and valued. High expectations are a key component in Cole Manor’s plan for ongoing improvement and success. The staff puts a great deal of effort into learning together, growing together and supporting one another through feedback and collaboration. Various committees and teams meet on a regular basis to ensure that students’ needs are addressed, both socially and academically.
We feel it is imperative to have a positive and working relationship with the community and parents to achieve success. We ensure open communication with all families through various modes of communication and translation services. Staff participate in activities and events involving parents as much as possible in their child’s education. Several committees and resources are in place to ensure parental and community involvement, education and collaboration. Our Equity committee ensures there is a constant focus on supporting and celebrating all children. We believe our families are our strongest resource. We strive to celebrate the diversity represented in our school and value what each student brings to Cole Manor each day from their unique backgrounds and experiences. This creates a rich, welcoming and vibrant learning community.